In poor lighting environments, photos tend to be noisy. Present photo denoise tools are either too bulky or not sufficient enough. The goal for this project is to use digital signal processing to create a photo denoising tool that can efficiently wipe out noise and keep the original details of the image by using new and currently available algorithms. We aim to use DSP techniques learned in class as well as both linear and nonlinear techniques in both the spatial and wavelet domain. We also want to compare between these subcategories to better understand the pros and cons of each technique. We are using different data sets of filtered and altered images to show you how things work.
Use of in Class Tools
Applications of Tools used in our project span across multiple categories.
Filtering : Low-pass filters, high pass filters, Linear & nonlinear filtering, etc..
Systems: Moving average, moving mean, etc..
Image Processing techniques like convolution, FFT, linear functions, etc.